Author: admin

  • Running Behind, Major Computer Crash 🙁

    Hey everyone. Both Berna and I are way behind schedule posting updates. My computer crashed, it was only nine years old, I now have a new XPS and hope to get back on track soon. Since the computer crash we have logged well over 5,000 additional miles and we are currently on the spit in…

  • Aztec Ruins, Mesa Verde, and 4-Corners

    We went to the Aztec Ruins today. In Aztec NM. The very first thing the lady told us was “they are not Aztec ruins but Pueblo”. I was wondering, I did not think there was ever positive proof the Aztec’s made it to US soil. than although there is huge conjecture they did in fact…

  • Kirtland NM

    Well, here we are in Kirtland NM. It’s a gravel campground on the outskirts of the city. No stars to be seen here. After arriving and setting up we decided to visit Ship Rock. It is the eastern most rock outcrop on the Navajo Land. It’s visible for miles around. It is an iconic rock…

  • Time to move on…

    We spent two days here in the Great Sand Dunes National Park.  Time to move west to our next location near Ship Rock, AZ. After driving in flat terrain, at 7,500 feet, we are entering the mountains. Up, down, and twisting roads. Typical mountain driving except we are at 8,000 to 11,000 feet. There are…

  • We arrived… The Great Sand Dunes National Park.

    I just woke up. Wow! We are right next to the sand dunes, less than a mile. Some dunes must be over 1000 feet in height. It hard to tell how tall as they are nestled in under the shadow of the San Juan Mountain Range. They are over 11,000 feet. We are on or…

  • Toto we are not in Kansas anymore….

    After a rough day traveling in Kansas yesterday, we woke up in Holly, CO. Time to try to fix the tow light wiring that was ripped off in the wind yesterday. It seems it did more damage than I originally thought. It literally broke every plug on the wiring system. From the RV plug to…

  • Shamrock, TX. to Holly, CO. A super windy day…

    Another crazy day. We left Shamrock TX. headed north. Plans are to be in Pueblo Colorado in two days to visit the great sand dunes of Colorado. Things stated great but as we moved north the winds increased. Seems we were catching the tails winds of a low pressure system over South Dakota The winds…

  • On the way to Texas

    Well, we left The Heart of Oklahoma RV park in Shawnee, OK today. We are headed to get tires for the RV. Both front tires have been ragged and needed to be replaced. As the tires are over ten years old it is time to upgrade. Still have about 14.000 miles ahead of us on…

  • Shawnee OK, horse barrel racing championships

    1 day in Shawnee OK wind. Dang door handle broke off inside the RV. Had to ask a passerby to open the door. It’s off to the RV store. More money…  Watched the NBRA, National Barrel Racing Association State Championships races. They were free to watch. Wow! the women fly around the barrels. Took many…

  • Leaving De Queen

    We are leaving our camp site in De Queen AK. Gee it only rained 3 days, we are leaving today and there are blue skies outside. Headed towards Oklahoma City. Lots of fun driving winds blowing about 25 with guts to 35 RV is like a sail driving down the road. We stopped for lunch…