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Bill & Berna - RV Travels

Aztec Ruins, Mesa Verde, and 4-Corners

We went to the Aztec Ruins today. In Aztec NM. The very first thing the lady told us was “they are not Aztec ruins but Pueblo”. I was wondering, I did not think there was ever positive proof the Aztec’s made it to US soil. than although there is huge conjecture they did in fact make it here; today there is no evidence of that fact.  The ruins were no less very impressive. They are built of stone and interestingly the doors are less than 4 foot tall. These folks must have been very small.

After leaving the Aztec Ruins, we headed to another Pueblo ruin. At least we are thinking they maybe a Pueblo ruin; I do not think there is proof of that fact. Mesa Verda is a system of cave dwelling built in the face of a mountain.  The ride is amazing. The vistas are he and you can see manty states from the height of the mountain pass. We can see Shiprock NM. That’s about 70 miles away.  What an amazing site. How in the world did the accent people build these cave/homes in the cliff face. How in the world did they access their homes built into the cliff face. It seems the people who lived here just vanished about 1,000 years ago leaving a huge mystery behind.

We off again making a big loop back to the RV in Ship Rock. The next stop is Four Corners. Four Corners is where Utah, Colorado, Arizona, and New Mexico converge in one spot. Berna and I visited here in the mid-seventies when we went cross-county. So, this was a repeat visit as was Mesa Verde. What a big change. First, we are greeted by a Navajo lady collecting money to get into the site, it is on Navajo Lands, it’s a crazy fee, $8.00 per person, not per car, hugely crazy fee. As we drove for a few hours to get here we elected to pay the fee and complain about it. The site also has restrictions on how many photos you can take at X of the Four Corners. It surrounded by Indian shops, it has turned into a huge money-making scheme, while it’s cool to be able to put one foot in four states at one time, I just don’t think we will ever be back again. I hate sights like this being used to raise money excessively; Navajo Nation, shame on you.  We leave with mixed feelings, but agree, to never return.

Before we get back to the RV. We stopped at the RV store. They have in stock a few items we need for the water bin and a plug for the tow wiring. It is just like home, always little things to replace and repair. It’s great to try and stay ahead of these issues.

It’s back to the coach. We are off tomorrow to Monument Valley. Another Navajo Nation monument, all I can do is hope their area has not been as commercially exploited as Four -Corners has been.