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Bill & Berna - RV Travels

We arrived, Day 3 – Solar Eclipse Day

Day 3 Solar Eclipse Day

Well after another short night it’s up at 7:00 AM. The solar eclipse is happening today, and it already looks like a clear sunny day despite the cloudy forecast, fingers crossed. Berna made sunny side eggs, a good omen, toast, and bacon. What a pleasant surprise.

We both started to organize things for the long trip cross county. Everything was packed, where it was packed, that is the problem.

I need to charge batteries for the camera, not sure where the chargers are though… heck were are the batteries too, several hours later after  sorting many items I found the memory card, batteries, cameras, and tripods.  We are ready now, bring on the eclipse…

The total eclipse is about 1:30 pm. It should last about 4 minutes of total darkness, we are in the center of the moon’s shadow.

Here come the clouds right on time about 15 minutes before totality. DANG IT!

It’s totally black outside now. Kids in the campground are going crazy and yelling. Damn clouds, we just cannot see any of the sun’s ring of fire. Black as night. A ring of light all around us, maybe the moon’s shadow edge?

Here comes the ring of light, it is quickly advancing, getting closer, the moon’s shadow retreating.

Getting brighter now

There, a break in the clouds, it is a sliver of the sun’s ring of fire.

Its over, blue skies, no clouds, dang missed it again.

Maybe again in 2044 and 2045

Its only twenty years from now…